When You Are Up To Your Neck In Alligators…?

“It’s Hard To Remember That Your Initial Objective
Was To Drain The Swamp!’

Do You Have A “BUSINESS”
Or Do You Have A “HOBBY”?

The reason that I ask is that the majority of small business owners know that they need to have a daily, consistent stream of new leads and sales,..but, as one business owner told me recently, “I am too busy to market my business.”

Now, a mentor of mine, who is much smarter than me, created a short little quiz for small business owners to determine if you own a “BUSINESS” or have a “HOBBY” and I humbly request ask you to take this short quiz:

Question #1: Answer Yes or No

Do you have a “Lead Magnet” designed to attract your most profitable customers.

Question #2: Answer Yes or No

Are you using your “Lead Magnet” to generate a consistent, daily stream of new leads?

Question #3: Answer Yes or No

Do you view your database as the most valuable asset in your business?

Question #4: Answer Yes or No

Are you sending ongoing marketing emails, “Special Offers,” newsletters, referral requests, birthday cards, and “Customer-of-the-month”?

Question #5: Answer Yes or No

Do you have an “IRRESISTIBLE OFFER” that your prospect would have to be crazy to say “NO” to?

Question #6: Answer Yes or No

Google your product or service – If you are a “Handyman, search “Handyman near me” – Does your business show up?

How did you do?

According to INC Magazine, 3 out of 5 small businesses fail in the first 2 years. Why?

Several reasons. We talk with a lot of small business owners, retail-brick-and-mortar owners (Dentists, Hair dressers, Antique stores, etc.) and service providers (HVAC, Plumbers, Handymen, Lawncare, Pressure Washers, etc. and they ALL have one thing in common:

They will all starve to death without a steady stream of red-hot-and-ready-to-buy customers!

“I tried posting on Facegram and it didn’t work for me.”

Just because something didn’t work well right out of the gate, you can give up on a “HOBBY” but you can’t if you are running a “BUSINESS” and trying to pay employees, mortgages, truck payments, taxes and feed a family!

I understand that it is hard to ask for help sometimes. I have been there, got the T-shirt and hat. There are things that YOU can do TODAY that will help your business…if YOU are willing to do it.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how you can move from having a “HOBBY” to have a profitable “BUSINESS,” reach out to me today. It doesn’t cost a penny to talk!

Google Business Profile

  • Have you claimed your Google Business Profile?
  • If you have claimed your profile, is it “OPTIMIZED“?.
  • 93 % of people begin their search online – they are looking for business reviews of services or products they can trust. What will they see about your business?
Small Business Owners Steady Stream of New Customers.

Irresistible Offers Win Every Time!

  • “Make them an offer they can’t refuse”.”
  • Your offer will separate you from your competitors.
  • Example: If you were looking for a contractor to build your deck. Three were close on price but one offered a FREE
    cruise. Which contractor would you choose? Be honest!

β€œDo the best you can until you know better then when you know better, do better!”

Maya Angelou


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